Seven on Saturday 1/28/23

Welcome to Seven on Saturday where I take a few minutes to catch up and fill you in on all the things I’ve been up to each week. I love sharing lots of good things from some of my favorite bloggers, creators, and friends.

I’ve decided to start a diary this year. I haven’t done that since I was a little girl.

It occurred to me at the end of 2022, when I was trying to reflect back on all of the things we did throughout the year, that I just couldn’t recall events and happenings with the detail that I would like.

I’ve never been very good at those “share a time when you ____” conversation prompts. Things just don’t come to mind very easily or in very vivid detail.

So, I decided to be more intentional with my days, recording simple everyday events and occurrences, feelings, and routines. I wanted to create some type of record to reflect back on. It’s a way to slow down, wind down, and appreciate the simple parts of each day.

This habit of journaling also serves the practical purpose of keeping me from scrolling on my phone before bed. My phone gets tucked away and I pick up my pen and notebook to record a few thoughts from the day — no earth-shattering revelations. It’s just nice to simply put some thoughts and events down on paper, and at the end of the year hopefully I’ll have a nice little log of the many moments that make up a year. (Check back with me in December to see how I did!)

Ambient lighting ideas in the living room with table lamp on the piano and a floor lamp

This week on the blog I shared some of my best tips for adding lots of ambient light to your room to create a cozy and inviting space.

Blue and White Ginger Jars on Buffet

I also shared some simple ways to accessorize your kitchen to give it a little refresh. You can find some of my favorite kitchen accessories here.

I hope you have a chance to catch up on those posts if you missed them this week!

Now, let’s get to my favorites from the week:

1. Julie’s Black Forest Trifle looks amazing! What a great Valentine’s Day dessert!

2. Rachel makes the prettiest topiaries!

3. I absolutely love KariAnne’s butler’s pantry! (I’m trying not to be jealous!)

4. Do you have any leftover tile around your home? Missy’s tile planter DIY is fabulous!

5. Leslie’s copper foil hearts are fabulous! Watch the IG reel here!

6. Are you in a season of waiting? This post is just lovely.

7. Karin’s romantic outdoor meal makes me long for warm summer nights!

Thanks so much for stopping by today! I so appreciate you, friend!

Enjoy this Saturday, and have a wonderful weekend!

By the way, do you follow me on all the socials? If not, check out my PinterestInstagram, and Facebook and be sure to follow along so you don’t miss out on any of my decorating and DIY ideas.

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  1. I need to start journaling too! I think I still have a diary from when I was in elementary school .. I didn’t write too much but it’s fun to go back and read it. This is such a great post! Thank you for highlighting my romantic outdoor dinner. It really does make me crave summer right now! It’s been so cold and grey in fact there is snow falling as we speak!
    Hugs to you,

  2. I love that you have started journaling! I have never been good at it but decided to start my own type of journaling in the form of lists. (I’m such a listmaker!) I found a bunch of prompts and I’m able to do it quickly each Monday. Already, I love looking back to see what I wrote. I know you will love to have a written record of your thoughts! Thanks so much for including my DIY tile planter in your round-up. I am honored!

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