Why Is Home Staging Important?


Why is home staging important? It’s all in the eyes of the beholder. My daughter’s beautiful dark eyes are the windows to her soul and reveal so much about her. They are her windows to the world through which she sees, learns, and gathers information. We depend on our eyes to examine, notice, identify, and help us make decisions, but sometimes they can miss the obvious that is right in front of us.

Our experiences and personal preferences can often prevent us from being objective.

When we live in our homes, we decorate them to our specific tastes and fill them with our families, our memories, our keepsakes, children’s artwork, and cherished furnishings that evoke warm feelings of home – to us. Our homes are full of us!




The Difference Between Home Staging and Decorating

Home staging is not the same as decorating. Decorating is about you – your tastes, your preferences, and your favorites. I dedicate lots of time on this blog to helping you create a home that reflects and embodies what you and your family love. But, home staging is about the buyer, and what will appeal most to him or her. No matter how beautifully decorated your home may be, you don’t want a potential buyer to feel like a visitor in a home that is uniquely yours. The goal is for buyers to begin to see your home as theirs, and help them realize they just can’t live without it!


The problem is we grow so accustomed to our homes and our surroundings that it can be hard to be objective and discerning. We also can become so accustomed to what is right in front of us every single day that we overlook potential areas of concern. We miss what potential buyers with discriminating eyes will see when they enter our homes.

Have you ever placed something in front of the door to your garage over the weekend so you wouldn’t forget to take it to work or school with you on Monday morning? You might walk past it several times over the weekend, and become so used to it, that you don’t even notice it when you leave Monday morning. (Of course, I’m speaking hypothetically, not that I’ve ever done this before.) The point is, we can easily miss what is right in front of us all the time.


My Home Staging Consultation Service Can Help!

That’s where my Home Staging Consultation Service is so important for you when it comes to preparing your home to sell – I can be your eyes!! As an experienced Certified Expert Psychological Stager with a discriminating eye, careful attention to detail, and a handy bag of staging tricks, I’ll give the guidance you need to turn your Louisville, Kentucky home into a showcase, staged with the buyer in mind.


My detailed staging consultations equip you with all the guidance and information you need to prepare your home to stand out from the rest — from initial decluttering suggestions and recommended paint colors and updates, to ideas for how to best arrange and stage your rooms to highlight the best qualities of your home. I’ll sensitively and respectfully help you wrestle through the hard, and sometimes emotional process of what needs to be stored and what can be displayed.


Update to post: While I still think staging your home for sale is immensely important, I’m not currently offering this service.


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