Seven on Saturday 8/19/23
The first full week of school is now complete, and we’ve certainly settled into a new fall routine around here!
Last Saturday, Caroline and I spent the day wedding dress shopping with Renee, our future daughter-in-love, and she found a gorgeous dress! She will certainly be a beautiful bride next April!
But this week it’s been all about studying, homework, school projects, and volleyball! Now that school volleyball season has kicked into full gear we get to see lots of exciting games!
We’re missing our Tennessee kiddos, though! Our adult children and new granddaughter live in Tennessee — one crew in Knoxville and the other in Nashville. It’s a little tricky getting to spend time together, and we’re just itching to see our sweet Eden!
We’re in town this weekend for a volleyball tournament, but the next two weekends we’ll be heading to Tennessee for some much needed family time! We can’t wait to hold our sweet baby! She’s growing so fast!
We attended the first high school football game of the year last night with a hint of fall in the air. It was a reminder that fall is just around the corner! (Although the temps will rise back into the mid-90s again next week!)

Speaking of fall, have you started decorating, or at least thinking about decorating, for fall yet? This week on the blog I shared some great tips to help you start decorating slowly for fall.
While it may feel a little too early for all the pumpkins, a few simple decor changes can signal the changing season.
I still have one foot in summer, though! I love seeing all of the pretty late summer flowers — the dahlias, the zinnias, the sunflowers, and limelight hydrangeas! It’s the perfect time to create beautiful bouquets and arrangements with these August blooms!

I shared my favorite little flower-arranging tool that makes creating gorgeous centerpieces a breeze! This bud vase holder is the perfect addition to your home decor arsenal! It’s the easiest way to arrange flowers for any season, and I share tons of creative bud vase centerpiece ideas in this post!
My favorites from the week …
I have some lovely things to share with you this weekend!
1. Stacy’s fall garden post is full of wonderful information about fall garden flowers.
2. Kim’s fall color palette for her table is lovely!
3. So many yummy summer pasta dishes here!
4. Wendy’s DIY fall tree is a fabulous idea!
5. Jennifer’s felt acorns are adorable!
6. Decorate a cake with an artist’s palette knife for a beautiful work of art!
7. The cutest pumpkin pillow cover DIY!
If you’re in a “summer-into-fall” decorating mood with one foot in each season. The decor accents below will help you bridge the two seasons with a slow shift into fall.

Greet guests with this Heather and Wildflower Wreath for a subtle touch of autumn on your front door.
Add these gold metal flower taper candle holders to a late summer/early fall tablescape.
The rich colors in this lidded floral candle tin are the perfect summer-to-fall bridge.
Update your sofa pillowscape with these blue bohemian print and mustard quilted throw pillows.
Fill a textured vase with these gorgeous pomegranate stems.
Thanks so much for stopping by this Saturday! I hope you have a truly wonderful weekend!